On the Fence by Kasie West
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As the youngest sister of three boys, Charlie is well versed in all things boy. Which explains her absolute lack of knowledge on anything girly. If it's soccer, basketball, or pick-up game of football, she's all in. Make-up and fashion? Not so much. Unfortunately her third speeding ticket does not go over well with her dad, and he tells her she has to get a job and pay it herself. Somehow, without even trying she ends up working in a small boutique, which is totally out of her element. While stepping outside of the box is stressful, it also allows her to learn more about herself. Braden the actual boy next door, and best friend of her closest brother Gage, has always been an honorary brother as well. While dealing with what seems as her new double life, she ends up meeting Braden in the back yard to talk. Their conversation is innocent to start with, but she quickly understands that maybe she hasn't been so honest with herself about her feelings for him. Braden isn't just some guy though, he's like her best friend, and acting on those feelings could cost her an invaluable friendship. Charlie also suffers from a thing pretty common in women, in that her perception of herself is somewhat skewed. She sees herself as one of the boys, not feminine enough to attract the attention of most guys. Luckily she has plenty of people around her to point out her misconception.
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