Maybe Maby by Willow Aster
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
THIS.. this book, this author, this is why I'm a reader.. I can never understand those people who say, "I don't read". I think it's only because they've never read a book that made them feel like this. Willow Aster has three books out, and every single one of them is a fan*f'n*tastic, five star book. I seriously cannot get over this author, and I was hoping before starting this that she would live up to the last two. I know you can't always be perfect, but she is pretty damn close. One of my requirements for five star ratings is that I need to feel what the characters are feeling. Oh did I ever feel Maby. I cried so much, only to turn the page and bust out laughing. I started Maybe Maby around 7ish this evening, and could absolutely not put it down until I was done. Maby is so real in her imperfections, and insecurities.. She is extremely relatable, even if I don't have the same issues she does. Coen, Coen, Coen, if only there were Coen's in the real world. He is pretty much perfect, and I loved the way he made her feel, and hurt for them both when she pushes him away.
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