Puddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I wasn't really expecting to like Puddle Jumping very much. It seemed like an okay Sunday afternoon read. It has a good rating on Goodreads, so why not. Puddle Jumping is unlike most books in that it gives an up close, and personal look at those that we see as different. There are people who are labeled as special, or different. It's common to interpret that to mean they're lacking something. When we should be careful to remember that no matter what, all people want the same things. Safety, security, love, and acceptance are universal necessities.
Lilly is reckless from a very young age. She runs outside in a thunderstorm, and rides a mattress down the stairs. Colton is quiet, reserved, and also has Apergers. He is very matter of fact, speaks the truth plainly, and isn't accustomed to pleasantries. Lilly is determined to be all that he needs, and to show the rest of the world how wonderful he is. Their relationship is difficult, but their love is real.
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