Red at Night by Katie McGarry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Every year it's the same. My boys hate shopping for school clothes, new backpacks, and school supplies. Shoes though, that was always different. When they're younger, before they are too cool, they are convinced that new shoes will make them run faster, and jump higher. Those types of things we take for granted. As kids we get older and realize they really don't have super powers, and as parents it becomes just one more thing crossed off of the list before we are finally done. Imagine not being able to provide that for your kid, or worse never feeling like your faster because of a new pair of shoes.
Red at Night is a novella written in honor of Nikki Berti who founded Goodie Two Shoes. A program in Las Vegas that provides new shoes to children who wouldn't have them otherwise. Not only are they new, but they fit correctly, and the kids get to pick them out.
Although Red at Night is written to honor Mrs. Berti, it's a great read from a great author. If I hadn't been so curious about what Harlequin More Than Words meant, I would have read the book and never realized that there actually was a program like described in real life. Basically if you like her other books, you'll like this one. It doesn't read like a newspaper column giving credit to the newest charity.
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