Inescapable by Amy A. Bartol
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
omg I don't know if I can finish this book!! First of all, people from the South do NOT talk like that. We especially don't say y'all unless we are talking about more than one person.. If this guy says y'all again referring to one person, or yer, or whatever I may lose it.
So I did finish it, but I think this is going to be one of those books that everyone loved, but me. First of all I could not get over the way Russell talked. I am from Texas, I know all about having an accent. Anytime I leave the state, people want me to repeat stuff because they think it's funny. With that said, no one talks like Russell. If you're going to write about something research it a little. It was so distracting, I couldn't think about anything else. Then there is Reed, who pulls the famous, "I love you, but I can't be with you for your own good, so I am just going to stalk you without you knowing" bit. Evie is too naïve to be seventeen, add that with how annoying she is, and it doesn't make for a good heroine. Buns & Brownie were probably my two favorite characters, but you really don't see enough of them. Freddie the bff, well I can't really say. I will say that I was pretty surprised at how the ending played out. That was about the only redeeming quality.
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