Take a Chance by Abbi Glines
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Grant is a good guy, which makes it even more baffling that he could consider a relationship with Nan, even if it was just friends with benefits. I mean really, this chick is psycho. Grant thought he loved Nan, but quickly realized he just liked being needed, and trying to fix Nan. He sees their non-relationship as them both using one another. He doesn't think much of it, until he walks out of Nan's room one morning to be greeted by Harlow. Harlow is Nan's half sister, and two people couldn't possibly be more different. Grant knows that Harlow is the girl who could bring him to his knees, but she doesn't want any of Nan's leftovers.
Harlow is the daughter of the lead singer of Slacker Demon. She is the good child, who doesn't smoke, drink or party. Her dad has 3 kids, by three different women, but has only ever loved Harlow's mom Emily. He makes no secret about the fact that Harlow is his favorite, or that he can't stand Nan. Her brother Mace grew up with his mom, and step-dad who he looks at as his real father. Harlow and Grant hung out for a few weeks, and they both fell for one another. He took her virginity, but got the call the next morning about Jace dying and took off. He tried calling her several times, but her dad wouldn't put him through. He ended up back in Nan's bed, and walks out one morning to find Harlow in the kitchen. He tries to tell her that what they had was special, but he couldn't give her anymore because he was too afraid of loving her, losing her, and not being able to move on. Rush & Blair convince him that the risk is worth it, and he finally convinces Harlow to give him another chance. Things are going great until Dean (Rush's dad, and another member of the band) calls Harlow because her dad is missing again. She flies out to Vegas to help find him, but Dean drops a bomb on her almost immediately. All of her life she thought her mother died in a car accident when she was a baby, but she was actually in a coma for five years, and in a home the rest of the time. Her father visits several times a week, and what she sees when she arrives puts a stop to all of her anger, and feelings of betrayal. She sees her dad, hard core rocker, lovingly taking care of her mother. She doesn't know this man, and soon realizes that he would do anything for her. Harlow and Grant return to Florida, and things are going really well. Of course that couldn't last, and the media finds out about Harlow's mom. They immediately try to speak with Harlow, and her life of peace has come to an end. She is terrified of Grant finding out her secrets. Towards the end we learn that Harlow's secret is her heart failure, she can never have kids, and may not live very long. When Grant finds out he is understandably hurt, especially since she knew how hard it was for him to get close to her for fear of losing her. He says some hateful things, and the book ends with him putting her in the car with Rush, so he can take her to the airport. Grant may just need time, but in Harlow's mind the things he said were unforgivable.
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