The Devil's Contract by Claire Contreras
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
He gave them a choice.
She took it.
He made her promise two years.
She should have known there was a catch.
^^ That is the books full description.
Totally unexpected. The book description (above)was only four lines, so I really had no idea what kind of book I was in for. Luckily Contreras is a fantastic author, and I knew that I would like it regardless. This did prove to be true, because I could not put it down. Unfortunately book two is not due out until the fall, so I'll have a full spoilers section below.
Amara & Colin have been best friends since they were very young. Their friendship led to a relationship, and they're both madly in love with the other. Amara has always refused to put a label on their relationship, or even call it a relationship. Seven years ago, when she was sixteen, her father had gambled away everything they own. Amara's mother was sick with cancer, and their family friend Philip offered them a way out. Amara would agree to work for him for two years in exchange for their debt. Her father initially refused, but Amara agreed knowing it was the only way her mother would be able to continue treatment. She never forgot the agreement, which is why she refused to get in too deep with Colin, but after seven years she didn't think of it as often. Not until Philip's right hand woman, Vivienne LaRue showed up to bring her back to Paris to train for her new job. She's tricked into signing a contract that has different duties than she agreed to, and finds out she'll be working in a high end escort service, as well as for Philip's advertising company. All of the money she makes will go directly to Philip in order to pay off the ten million dollar debt her father owes. One of the requirements of her new job was that she must stop seeing Colin. If her mother wasn't sick again, and needing treatment she would refuse, but she knows her mother won't survive without the best doctors. Of course both she and Colin are heartbroken over leaving each other, but Amara doesn't have a choice. After arriving in Paris she is told to pick a new name to use with clients. She chooses Jasmine Oliver, Jasmine b/c it's what Colin said she always smelled like, and Oliver is Colin's middle name. She also meets Courtney, who like Amara, is the only other exclusive girl working there. She & Courtney will have sex together, for men, but no one touches them. Until Samuel. Sam is an old friend/partner of Philip's who is in love with Courtney. Sam tries to get Amara to find out what Philip has on Courtney so he can get her back, but Courtney isn't saying and refuses to leave. When Amara reports this back to Sam, he books a sex date with Amara so that he can see Courtney. Courtney is only supposed to participate with Amara, but in the end the two of them, Sam and Courtney give in and sleep with each other. Philip is pissed, and after a few threats Sam leaves. Amara is then sent to deliver some kind of classified paperwork to New Orleans, as well as bring back a package. While back in the states she sees Colin who is visiting the city with his fiance. He comes to Amara's hotel room, and tells her that his engagement/marriage to Molly is one of convenience, since he isn't able to inherit his fathers company until he is married. He tells her he'll leave Molly immediately if Amara will agree to marry him. She can't agree, and it kills them both. At this point I'm not sure why she doesn't tell him what's going on, and why she has to stay. She thinks he'll never forgive her, but surely he would understand that choosing him means her mothers death. Amara refuses to speak to her father again, but her mother needs her. Amara goes back to Paris, and continues speaking with a widower client named Nolan by email. He seems nice, and Amara actually enjoys talking with him. She sees Sam again, and he tells her that he and Philip used to work with her grandfather, who disowned her mother when she married her father. He was ruthless, and very wealthy. Over the years he put his trust in the wrong person, and told that person about a bank account he has in Sweden which holds a few invaluable possessions. The catch is that the account is in her name, and there are only three people who know they password. All three of them are looking for her so they can have access. Philip is hoping one of the three will contact her through the company once they realize she is there. He wants her to work with him, and cut Philip out. Nolan finally visits, and she is able to see that he is good looking when the pass each other in Philip's office. He also sends her flowers while she is at the salon, and waves at her from across the street, but during their time together, she is blindfolded and never sees his face. When her mother gets sick and goes into a coma, Amara heads back to the states. Sam is waiting for her in the car (he's paying the driver off) and offers to introduce her to a man that could help her get out of her arrangement with Philip. Philip told her there were two people who could do that for her, Sam, and another unnamed person. Apparently she is about to meet him. After checking in with her mom at the hospital, she finds her awake, but tired. She tells her she will return in the morning after they have both had time to rest. She had planned on going back to her apartment but Philip informed her that her father uses it twice a week to stay with his mistress. She goes on to Philips place, but is picked up by a driver who is to take her to meet the person Sam wanted her to meet. Once she arrives she is shocked to find Colin. Apparently his father owned part of Merchant, (Phillip's company) and Colin inherited it after his death. He said he finding out about the company was shocking enough, but not as bad as finding out his girlfriend, the woman he loves was employed there. He also reveals that he is Nolan. In the end he tells her that he owns her, and she agrees.
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