Night Broken by
Patricia Briggs My rating:
4 of 5 stars I started reading the Mercy Thompson series in 2009, and still to this day it remains one of my favorites.
Poor Mercy just can't catch a break. When she isn't fighting for her life against the fae, vampires, or other things that go bump in the night, she is forced to remain civilized while her mate's ex wife stays in their home. Christy is a bitch, there really is no other word to describe her. She walked out on Adam, and their daughter Jesse, and has been a sorry mother since. When she gains the attention of a stalker, she runs back to Adam and his protection. Adam is too kind to turn her away, and she is so freaking manipulative. She does subtle things, asserting herself in her old home, in a way that if Mercy objects, then she looks like the jealous wife. She does well playing the bigger person, much better than I would have!
It turns out that her stalker isn't an ordinary human, but one of the original Gods from Canary Island, by the name of Guayota. It's all really complicated, where he comes from, what he's made of, and how he travels. The short story is that he comes from the volcano on Canary Island. He can burn just about anything, and change into a kind of fiery dog. He is obsessed with Christy because she looks like (or is a reincarnation of) the sun goddess, he once kidnapped and raped (and I guess loved in his own weird way). All of the pack females, other than Honey, fall all over themselves for Christy making it clear who they prefer. In the end, Joel, one of Mercy's friends who raises dogs, and also does part time work for Adam is sucked into their latest drama. As a descendant of Canary Island, he is forced to take the place of one the tibicena that Mercy killed. The tibicena are a dog(ish) thing that ties Guayota to the island allowing him to travel away from the island. I know it's complicated. While trying to retrieve the walking stick back from Coyote, Mercy also meets one of her siblings, Gary Laughingdog. In the final battle Adam, Honey, Gary, Warren, and Sam all go out to attempt to stop Guayota, knowing that the chances of survival are slim. Somehow Guayota ends up back at Honey's house where only Mercy, Darryl, Christy, and Jesse are. Luckily Stephan is able to take them away, and Mercy faces them alone until Darryl is able to shift. She gets her neck broke pretty quickly, and Coyote pulls her into somewhere. He tells her to help Joel, and when she goes back she brings Joel into the pack, effectively cutting off half of Guayote's ties. Joel also defeats the other tibicena, sending Guayote back to the island. Coyote shows up at the hospital, and when he leaves, Mercy's neck isn't broken anymore. Now that Guayote is gone, Christy goes to stay with Aurielle until she can decide what she wants to do. Either way she is now out of Mercy's house.
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